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Hear Dr. Bird speak

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“You had the best reviews of any speaker we’ve ever had.” – Mary G., Galway, NY

Positive and Fun

You made me laugh and you made me cry, but mostly you made me want to be a better person.” – Jon H., Guilderland, NY


“Nearly everyone on my staff told me that was the best Professional Development Day they ever attended. “ – Evan S., Bronx, NY


You are the most inspirational and captivating speaker I have ever heard.” – Caroline F. , Renssalear, NY

The 5 Golden Rules for Staying Connected to Children
Do you work with kids and want to connect to them better? As a parent or a teacher or a coach, do you sometimes get frustrated? In today’s world of disconnections, one of our most important and difficult tasks is to connect with kids in meaningful ways. This course has strategies that work and a handful of the dumb things we do that don’t work! (yet we keep doing them over and over… like our parents did!) This course allows you to reflect and build a useful set of skills that bridge relationships and reduce stress.
Access the Free Online Course